The legendary tale of "The Prince And The Pauper" gets a magical Disney makeover in this Disney Animation Classic. In a faraway kingdom, two boys who look exactly alike meet by chance and decide to switch places: a pauper named Mickey, and the Crown Prince. Together they must figure out how to save the kingdom from an evil Captain who wants the throne for himself!
Original titleThe Prince and the Pauper
IMDb Rating0 votes
TMDb Rating6.735221 votes
Mickey Mouse / Prince (voice)
Captain Pete (Voice)
Goofy / Horace Horsecollar / Weasel #1 / Pluto (voice)
Donald Duck (Voice)
Clarabelle Cow (Voice)
Archbishop / Dying King (voice)
Weasel #2 / Weasel #3 / Pig Driver / Peasant / Man in Street (voice)
Narrator (voice)
Kid #1 (voice)
Kid #2 (voice)